In regards to gamebook you might back Legendary Kingdoms – Crown & Tower or Defenders: Throne of the Bandit Lord, maybe both. The presentation looks very solid and I think it’s worth considering. A game in which you try to survive in an apocalypse. If you like to back a solo game, there’s Rad Zone. It might stretch the definition of roleplaying game, but I feel it warrents being included. It’s a conversational game about posing philosophical questions, and answering them, according to some rules. The whole presentation looks intruiging, despite the heavy topic. Set during World War I, the game has two players writing letters back and forth. Another game addressing the blight of soldiers is Love & Barbed Wire. While the standard setting is a fantasy one, it might be adapted to portray historic wars. You’ll be playing as soldiers, who return home, after a devastating fight. The Protocol Squared game by Jim Pinto is the most recent entry to the gm-less Protocil System family. The games look interesting, and I got it marked to maybe pledge later. It offers a subscription services, that will run over the course of 6 months, bringing you one zine sized game each time. If you are looking to back not only one, but six games, with one pledge, Possible Worlds has you covered. The whole presentation has me under a spell, and I am very likely to back it. On your travel you’ll be helping humans, ghost, mutants and other creatures. Inspired by the flight of the Monarchs, the game sees you playing as a human/butterfly hybrid, who journeys from Virigina, US to Mexico. In regards of the narrative rpgs, I like to feature Fly Softly.

Another anime inspired game is the LokDown TTRPG, featuring a SciFantasy facilitated by the Tri-Forge. Which I would check out, were I more interested in fantasy. Instead of being another D&D 5E clone, it’s BESM (Big Eyes, Small Mouth) in fantasy mode. If you prefer your fantasy anime style, Anime 5E is a must. It is inspired by D&D, but features a classless system, that’s based on skills, and offers a brutal, realistic combat. Last but not least there is the War and Aether RPG. The system is developed to be versatile and epic and it should work for one shots and campaigns. The Eldritch RPG doesn’t have such a thing but appears to be normal. Though the „flexible funding“ nature of the project does raise my alarm senses. Spears & Spells appears to be a classic, OSR like fantasy rpg, that only uses d6. With the special feature being that you’ll be drawing the map as you play. Then there’s Ageless Chronicles, which features an online platform to facilitare the game. The zine sized, gm-less game imagines you to be adventures goblins, who don’t appear as fooling as in other games but rather cute. If you are a fan of fantasy, I’d recommend having a look at Goblin Country. Though the text based description couldn’t keep ne interested. Then there’s Rising Shadows, which likewise aspires up to be cyberpunk. The system allows to focuses on heroes and villains, which sounds interesting. The world is based on the novels by the same name, and the SciFantasy mix invokes Shadowrun to my mind’s eye theatre. The presentation seems solid, As does the site of the Dark Energy RPG. The rules light systrem is OSR inspired and the characters will explore the gritty vastness of space. Tho it ain’t my cup of tea.įans of Science Fiction, especially the gritty kind, should check out Death in Space. It offers some videos (and a QR code?) for further insight. Then there’s Tales of Teralecia, a D&D based game, with a Steampunk / SciFantasy setting. You might checkout the system with the preview version of the game at DTRPG, and it is described as being narrative first. A game that does spice it up by adding a dose of Akira. Fans of superheroes should have a look at Pandora: Total Destruction. If you are looking for Indiana Jones style adventures in the Trinityverse, you have to check out Trinity Continuum: Adventure!, the newest edition by Onyx Path Publishing, that does utilize theor Storypath System.

You’ll find that Justin Achilli is listed as one of the authors, and thus, over all, I am very tempted to back it. The system features attribute based dice pools and includes a betting mechanic to facilitate the narrative. A folk horror game by Mark Kelly, inspired by works like Witchfinder General, Blood on Satan’s Claw and The Wicker man. I present to you the new Crowdfunding Collection #163, including every tabletop rpg project started between 14/03 and 04/04.įollowing a brief hiatus, thanks to a broken ellbow, the collection is back with about 119 projects.