As I said, this game features zero combat but is still a great RPG to enjoy and figure out all the links that lead to the main goal of the game, solving the murder. We will deal with all kinds of wildly inappropriate political situations, ranging from communism, liberals, fascism and moralism, all while our detective tries to solve a murder. This game is very heavily dialogue focused to work our way through a crime we need to solve, with all kinds of wacky antics in between. This game is considered an RPG but doesn't feature any combat or traditional RPG mechanics. In large part, explorations of queer sexuality happen when you come across the Smoker on the Balcony, he’s encountered doing exactly what his name implies. This guide and walkthrough for Disco Elysium is a compendium of knowledge about this unusual production. Disco Elysium is a wild ride that takes place in what seems like an alternate Earth, with history made up of historical figures, wars, and locations that have a very similar feel to what we know, but with a very comical satire feel to it. Perhaps unintentionally, with the amnesia you play through, it speaks directly to the loneliness that comes from not knowing. Since this is my first walkthrough, I hope it's able to help you get through this wacky, alcohol induced, amnesiac detective game. You can find Signal-Blue Naval Coat to the right of the entrance (just below the person on the roof yelling at you). The game in itself is an unconventional RPG so its not. With that in mind, don’t be afraid to roll with the strange punches during these key moments to experience the game in a new light.Welcome to the Disco Elysium: The Final Cut walkthrough. These can be found on the northwest side of town. One of the more enigmatic yet really rewarding systems in Disco Elysium is the Thought Cabinet. What makes Disco Elysium’s writing so impeccably engaging is its commitment to progressing the story despite failure.

Pass an Authority check to warn Kim about de Paule aiming at him.Hardcore mode makes your chances with the dice slimmer but balances that with more XP as you progress through the game, as well as giving you more bonus skill points with the clothing you wear. If successful, Kim will take an impressive shot at Ruud, killing him instantly. Stage 1: Become HARD COOOORE Your first step will be to pick Hardcore mode from the options menu before you start.

The T-500 cuirass could also soak the hit. Passing it will let you dodge out of the way of a bullet meant for you. A Reaction Speed check is the second important hurdle.The Rhetoric and Suggestion red checks help make the first important check easier, a Hand-Eye Coordination check to shoot Kortenaer.As Rhetoric would advise, don’t immediately resort to violence exhaust the other dialogue options to throw them off their game.Take drugs to raise your skills, especially for Motorics, and equip any piece of T-500 armor on you. Find the two bullets around Martinaise and equip your gun or the Molotov. Drunk and heavily armed, peace won’t cut it for them. The RCM steps in as peace brokers but quickly finds out that the mercenaries want retribution for the death of their commander. After the encounter with Ruby, the mercenaries are found confronting the Hardie Boys in front of the Whirling Rags. The Mercenary Tribunal is when the story reaches an explosive climax.